For the first time, Stone Depot was held a gathering event special for the production staff and their family. This event was held at Wednesday, December 25th 2019. Winsen Setiawan as the CEO of Stone Depot said that “We have to improve our staff production skills and happiness also, one of the way to improve their happiness is with held a family gathering event for them. Then, it would be created long-life working, resulting better quality product, and increases customer satisfaction.”

From White Crater to Sundanese Restaurant

Staff Production of Stone Depot Inside the Bus

Our destination place for this family gathering trip in Bandung. Family gathering trip to Bandung takes some places that have become a legendary place of this beautiful city to the most famous Sundanese restaurant. The place is White Crater or Kawah Putih and the Sundanese Restaurant, Saung Bambu, Bandung. Our family gathering consists of 32 people of production staff, their kids and wife. The trip was started at 9 p.m. Even though the trip starts in going to midnight, it’s not changes the happiness feel of all gathering members. Our first-time family gathering trip for the production staff of Stone Depot was taken 6 – 7 hours by travel bus.

Stone Depot Gathering at White Crater, Bandung

After arrived at Bandung, we don’t wait for a long time to go to White Crater or Kawah Putih. The place is beautiful, calm, and memorable for our gathering members. They feel happy to taken some photos in there and bought the souvenir, foods, and clothes from that place. White Crate or Kawah Putih is the sulfur lake located in Sugihmukti, Pasirjambu, Bandung, West Java. The place is a favorite spot of tourists that visited Bandung.

Good Lunch in Good Sundanese Restaurant

On the next trip of family gathering production Staff 2019, we went to have a good lunch in the place that has become the most favorite Sundanese food in the Sundanese restaurant of Saung Bambu, Bandung. The place is located in Jl. Pagermaneuh, Ciumbuleuit, Kec. Cidadap, Bandung, Jawa Barat. We can choose from the most favorite of Sundanese foods like Tempe, Tahu, Nasi tutu oncom to Iga Bakar Ayam Pedas Khas Sunda. Meanwhile, this place is very cozy, casual, and good for kids.

The Sundanese restaurant of Saung Bambu became the last destination of our trip. Even though we can’t continue the next destination due to the one and other conditions, all gathering members still feel very happy and proud of the event that already held by Stone Depot. One of our production staff said that “We are so happy and thankful for everything that has given by Stone Depot today. Through this event, we promise to always trigger ourselves and improving the skills. Also, always make sure that all products resulted in high-quality control and ensuring customer satisfaction is real.”

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