On March 15th-17th, 2019, the Stone Depot family held an amazing annual gathering which was a form of appreciation to all of our employees during a year of work. On this year, Stone Depot had the opportunity to visit one of the popular cities with its history & culture, the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

During 3 days 2 nights, we enjoy every moment in gathering schedule which was arranged by our team. Culinary, is the opening fantastic moment when we arrived there. The Palace of Yogyakarta is our lunch location. This beautiful palace was built by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I as his homestay on the past year. The Ancient Java design combines with perfect nuances of religion, make this palace more looks classy and elegant.

Taman Sari Water Castle – Legendary Place with 3 Religions Concept


Stone Depot Family Gathering 2019

The next our legendary place destination is Taman Sari Water Castle. This beauty Water Castle was built by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I in the 1700s, around 2 years after built the Palace of Yogyakarta. The purpose of establishing this luxury castle is for use as his resting place and having fun with the woman of his choice. Besides being used as a fortress of self-defense from enemies on the past.

The building design of Taman Sari is a combination of 3 religions concept, Islam, Buddha & Hindu, and a blend of two cultures, Javanese and European cultures as well. All the stunning designs are clearly visible from the ancient and classic ornaments of the buildings.

In this place, we have a chance to explore more about Taman Sari Water Castle which was guided by a professional guider, he said his descendants of the last generation of Sultan Hamengkubuwono I.

In the night, we having fun with Stone Depot Awards which a particular event of our annual gathering. Stone Depot Awards gives an appreciation for the best employees of the year as a certificate and cash reward until 5 million rupiahs.


After Stone Depot Awards

For every, our people who brought their little family can join in door prize event as well as a shopping voucher until 5 million rupiahs.

On the following day, we have a great refreshing trip to our gathering on Elo River Magelang. Some of us got the opportunity to play the game called “ Rafting” with a happy feeling inside out. Exciting radiation comes out from our boats and from other boats as well.


Stone Depot at Rafting Elo River Magelang

Our last day gathering closed by exploring many kinds of Yogyakarta foods until other goods both from the traditional market and shopping center. Malioboro area is an area that must be visited for every traveler who has a chance to travel to this exotic city.

Through the Family Gathering that we hold every year, we hope Stone Depot can have a strong,  one vision and open-minded team. With the presence of these team members, we believe Stone Depot can continue to grow in increasing service satisfaction for our customers.

If any further assistance, you need regarding our Indonesia Natural Stone, please click this Whatsapp link to contact with us directly: https://wa.me/6285336906433 (Putri) or email: info@dw-corporation.com

Stone Depot Family Gathering 2019: Ngayogyakarta