Bali black lava stone is the premium building material, produced by Stone Depot. If you need to find a Bali Lava Stone supplier, contact us directly by clicking our Whatsapp link: (Putri) or email:

Landscaping is the right choice to emphasize character in the front or back yard. This is a way that will ensure that the entire outdoor area has a concept that is in line with the main concept.

For the paver, the majority of people choose to use natural stone as the main material. Of course, this is the right way because the natural stone has the strength that will ensure the pavers last longer.

In addition, we can also choose various types of natural stone that we can use for pavers. MesaStila Spa & Resort Magelang gives interesting inspiration as it uses Balinese Black Lavastone for contemporary pavers.

Amazing Outdoor Basalt Pavers with Black Lava Stone

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Bali lava stone for pavers with good durability and anti-corrosion

As the resort that becomes tourists’ favorite place to stay from various countries, MesaStila Spa & Resort Magelang strives to provide the best for visitors. With fantastic service and amazing facilities, MesaStila is one step ahead of its competitors.

In fact, this resort pays close attention to detail in every area, both in the interior and exterior. Although only pavers, MesaStila uses the best materials to ensure the comfort and decor of the resort match one with another. Bali Black Lavastone used as the main material for the outdoor pavers, it welcomes the guests from the front to the area outside the resort. Of course, there is something different that makes this resort choose Bali lava stone for pavers.

When compared to other natural stones that are often used for paver projects, Bali Black Lavastone has more advantages. In terms of strength, black Bali lava is anti-corrosion, so it doesn’t porous even when exposed to hot and cold weather.

This natural stone also has solid density, ensuring that the stone will not break even if people step on it. Apart from the matter of strength, Bali Lavastone also has guaranteed durability because it has been used for a long time. The diverse mineral composition will ensure the pavers are durable and sturdy. So in terms of quality, lava stone pavers have excellent capabilities when used for outdoor projects.

The Beauty of Black Bali Lava

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Black Bali lava create beautiful color gradations for the pavers

Talking about the visual appearance, the black color of this natural stone will amaze you. In wet conditions, natural stone will appear darker and the color will return to brighter when the water content in the stone has decreased. The ability to change color is also an added value of Black Bali Lava stone because it will provide a more exotic visual appearance.

With the original dark black color, the pavers will look modern and minimalist. This concept blends well with MesaStila Spa & Resort Magelang which combines several different themes for resort decor. This is a high-quality material that will blend with any other theme in your property. It is not surprising that people think that black lava stone tiles are a neutral stone for landscaping and pavers.

MesaStila Spa & Resort Magelang knew Black Lava stone is ordinary material that fits with their concept. And they use this outdoor basalt paver not only to become the path for visitors but also to provide aesthetic visual to the resort.

If you any further assistance, you need regarding the Bali Black Lava Stone Pavers, please click this Whatsapp link to contact us directly: (Putri) or email:

Bali Black Lava for Modern Outdoor Basalt Pavers

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