Bali Paras Kerobokan Stone – Why Balinese People Request Paras Kerobokan Stone with Odd Dimention?

Bali Paras Kerobokan Stone – Market Demands of Natural Stone Industry

stone depot indonesia natural stone supplier
Stone Depot – Indonesia Natural Stone Supplier

In the blink of an eye, the global industry will grow faster every year. This new era should be prepared with high skill competence for any company in the global industry. Having a team of research and analysis is a great gun for analyzing how the market grows intensively.

As mentioned above, it applies to the natural stone industry also. Natural stone suppliers have to respond to their markets with keep supply natural stone continuously. For sure there are many important things that should be considered. They should make sure about the stock of raw materials, how effective their workers, also checking the quality of their stone production machines in routine. Adjusting with market demands, commonly natural stone suppliers providing their cutting stone machines to produce standard sizes. Small sizes like 10x10cm, 10x20cm, 20x20cm until large sizes like 30x60cm, 60x60cm, and 60x120cm are often requested.

Paras Kerobokan Stone in Bali – How Market Demands of Paras Kerobokan Stone in Bali

Paras Kerobokan Stone Bali

Meanwhile, a different point of view comes from a natural stone supplier in Bali. Especially Bali’s paras Kerobokan stone supplier. Many Balinese people request Paras Kerobokan stone in a unique dimension. It comes with sizes 43x43x11cm, 53x53x11cm, also 83x83x11cm are the most often requested of Balinese people. In consequence, many Bali Paras Kerobokan stone suppliers provide cutting stone machine to produce standard and special sizes also. As an Indonesia natural stone supplier which conscious of this market demand, Stone Depot also providing Bali’s paras Kerobokan stone with regular/standard and special sizes.

Paras Kerobokan Stone – Implied Meaning Behind the Odd Dimension of Paras Kerobokan Stone Bali

Paras Kerobokan Bali Stone

If looked at closely, many Balinese people’s interests with Bali Paras Kerobokan stone with odd dimension. The odd numbers like 11, 43, 53, or 83 are numbers that having significant value than even numbers like 30, 50, or 60. Adapted from the cosmologist concept of Tri Hita Karana, a philosophy of life for Hindu societies in Bali, these are three holy meanings contained indeed. It’s about the bond between humans and God, the bond between the human and natural environment, then the bond between humans. These are three meanings which are the way of life for the local people and believe that odd numbers like 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 are numbers which have significant importance for Balinese people’s life.

If any further assistance, you need regarding our Bali Paras Kerobokan stone, please click this Whatsapp link to contact with us directly: (Putri) or email: [email protected]

Bali Paras Kerobokan Stone – Why Balinese People Request Paras Kerobokan Stone with Odd Dimention?

Stone Depot Family Gathering 2019 In Yogyakarta

On March 15th-17th, 2019, the Stone Depot family held an amazing annual gathering which was a form of appreciation to all of our employees during a year of work. On this year, Stone Depot had the opportunity to visit one of the popular cities with its history & culture, the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

During 3 days 2 nights, we enjoy every moment in gathering schedule which was arranged by our team. Culinary, is the opening fantastic moment when we arrived there. The Palace of Yogyakarta is our lunch location. This beautiful palace was built by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I as his homestay on the past year. The Ancient Java design combines with perfect nuances of religion, make this palace more looks classy and elegant.

Taman Sari Water Castle – Legendary Place with 3 Religions Concept

Stone Depot Family Gathering 2019

The next our legendary place destination is Taman Sari Water Castle. This beauty Water Castle was built by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I in the 1700s, around 2 years after built the Palace of Yogyakarta. The purpose of establishing this luxury castle is for use as his resting place and having fun with the woman of his choice. Besides being used as a fortress of self-defense from enemies on the past.

The building design of Taman Sari is a combination of 3 religions concept, Islam, Buddha & Hindu, and a blend of two cultures, Javanese and European cultures as well. All the stunning designs are clearly visible from the ancient and classic ornaments of the buildings.

In this place, we have a chance to explore more about Taman Sari Water Castle which was guided by a professional guider, he said his descendants of the last generation of Sultan Hamengkubuwono I.

In the night, we having fun with Stone Depot Awards which a particular event of our annual gathering. Stone Depot Awards gives an appreciation for the best employees of the year as a certificate and cash reward until 5 million rupiahs.

After Stone Depot Awards

For every, our people who brought their little family can join in door prize event as well as a shopping voucher until 5 million rupiahs.

On the following day, we have a great refreshing trip to our gathering on Elo River Magelang. Some of us got the opportunity to play the game called “ Rafting” with a happy feeling inside out. Exciting radiation comes out from our boats and from other boats as well.

Stone Depot at Rafting Elo River Magelang
Our last day gathering closed by exploring many kinds of Yogyakarta foods until other goods both from the traditional market and shopping center. Malioboro area is an area that must be visited for every traveler who has a chance to travel to this exotic city.

Through the Family Gathering that we hold every year, we hope Stone Depot can have a strong,  one vision and open-minded team. With the presence of these team members, we believe Stone Depot can continue to grow in increasing service satisfaction for our customers.

If any further assistance, you need regarding our Indonesia Natural Stone, please click this Whatsapp link to contact with us directly: (Putri) or email: [email protected]

Stone Depot Family Gathering 2019: Ngayogyakarta

Bali Stone Perth – Visit Stone Bali Distributor in Perth

Stone Depot at Perth Exhibition

Bali Stone in Perth, Stone Bali now available in Perth, Western Australia. Contact Amanda McCurry  (+61 423 282 268). Currently, the use of natural stone as an ornament home building has been increasingly popular in many circles with applications on walls, floors, fences, until ornament pillar. The choice of colors and types of natural odors that can be selected are also more varied. One is to apply Bali stone Perth to make the appearance of your home look more calm, comfortable, and elegant. Natural stone can be applied to support the interior and exterior decoration of the house. However, you should also pay attention to the applications. In this case, you should understand the nature of the rock and look at some of the supporting material. It is important to note that you can get the house look beautiful and charming all at once qualified. You certainly do not want a home that is decorated as possible turned out to be easily damaged.

Before you choose to use Bali stone Perth, you should understand what kind of rock properties. There are two types of rock properties that should be understood, there are solid and non-solid. Solid stones can be applied to the exterior or interior of which this type of rock physical properties is hard, dense, and not easily broken. These types of natural stones do not absorb water so it is not an easy mossy stone because it does not have room for water and air. Other types of natural stone are non-solid which is more suitable to be applied to the interior of the house. Characteristics of this type of rock are easily formed porosity and soft which could easily absorb water because of the cracks and pores.

Bali Stone Perth – Find Our Best Stock Bali Natural Stone Tiles in Perth, Australia

Bali Stone Perth

In addition to considering the nature of the rock, when ye shall apply Bali stone Perth, you should also pay attention to the style of home you have. You should customize the selection of natural stone decor with the style and theme of the house. If your house has a modern minimalist style, you can apply a natural stone texture of plain and inconspicuous color. This is done so you can get the look that matched the style of the building. Installation on a modern minimalist style house should also choose neat and simple patterns to harmonize with the concept and theme of the house. For the house with tropical style, it could use natural stone with a mounting pattern that is not rigid and flexible impress. Natural stone colors can also be soft and dark. The house with a classic style concept could use a natural stone that has the looks sturdy and elegant.

Of course, when you want to apply the Bali stone Perth, you should also adjust the budget that you have. You should understand that natural stone has some prices. Usually the more solid rock, the price offered will also be higher. If you are interested in using natural stone to enhance your home, you should not only look for info on the pricing stone that you want but also covers the cost of installing the stone. You should be selective to find the prices available on the market so that later you can get results really liking you.

The use of natural stone as a way to beautify the house should be adjusted by many factors ranging from home-style to the budget. This is one way to get home look elegant and comfortable. You should not only be interested in following the trend that is popular in the market, but you should also adjust to your needs. Thus, you can be more convenient to beautify the house of your dreams using Bali stone Perth.

Stone Depot C/O Baumart Holding Ltd

Perth, WA:

15 McCabe St North Fremantle WA 6159
Phone +61 8 6558 0814
PIC. Amanda McCurry  (+61 423 282 268)