Oktalina Putri

Bali Stone Tiles – Stunning Bali Stone Tiles at Ngurah Rai International Airport

Bali White Stone Cladding Also Known as Tuban White Wall Cladding (Courtesy of Ngurah Rai International Airport)

After undergoing major renovations, Ngurah Rai International Airport received a huge design makeover. Bali natural stone tiles Tuban white stone wall cladding is one of the common features in the airport, which boasts the combination of modern and traditional designs. The more common ceramic and marble are still used, but there are several parts where natural stone tiles become accents or even main floor features. Natural stones are very popular in Bali, and they are great additions to any public place designs, including an international airport. There are various perks natural stone tiles offer, and they are as sophisticated as marble or slates.

Bali Natural Stone Tiles, Perfect for Public Place

Natural stones used to be the main materials for temples, palaces, and walls, but they have become popular in modern times. Many public places and establishments in Bali use natural stone tiles, both as main design features and accents. Bali natural stone tiles come in various types, from black lavastone to cobblestone and limestone. Many people love stone tiles that still have textures, instead of super-polished versions, such as in marbles and ceramics. They look rustic and natural but still have elegance, which makes them perfect even for modern, luxurious establishments. Natural stones also have unique shades that blend perfectly with their surroundings.

(Courtesy of Ngurah Rai International Airport)

Natural stones have unique visuals because nature created them. They create a “connection” between modern human-made landscapes and nature, especially in modern establishments like hotels and airports. Bali natural stone tiles are used as accents or main floors at Ngurah Rai Airport, blending nicely with the surrounding design. Natural stone tiles with higher friction levels are used in public areas where foot traffic is high because the textures reduce the risk of accidents. Slate tiles, marbles, and lavastone are particularly strong, and not easy to wear out. They also look expensive and elegant, perfect for attracting the eyes.

Natural stones are also combined with other tiles to create visual directions for visitors, telling them that they have arrived in certain sections (reservation lines, coffee shops, exits, etc.). Since public airports such as international airports are always packed, the durability of natural stone will keep the tiles in good condition, even when people, wheeled suitcase, and trolleys create an impact on a daily basis. Natural stones are also great to heat retainer, preventing the floor from getting too hot under the sun. This quality makes stone tiles good for outdoor pavements, pathways, or patios. With all these positive qualities, no wonder that Bali natural stone tiles become great features to add to any public facilities, just like at Ngurah Rai International Airport.

If any further assistance, you need regarding our Bali natural stone tiles, please click this Whatsapp link to contact with us directly: https://wa.me/6285336906433 (Putri) or email: [email protected]

Bali Stone Tiles – Stunning Bali Stone Tiles at Ngurah Rai International Airport

Bali Stone Sinks – Indonesia Natural Sinks

Bali Stone Sinks at Villa Ipanema Bali

Bali stone sinks are popular now. Indonesia is a rich country with many good traditional products. One of the products that famous around the world is Bali stone sinks. You have to know that today people care more for their appearance. It is not only happening for their self appearance but also for the house and the other business place. The sink is the one important thing that we always need. It uses to clean up the hand after we eat or after we touch something dirty. The good habit of cleaning up the hands to make the request for the sink is increasing. That is the reason why today you can find many styles of the sink with many different materials.

Bali stone sinks are famous and unique. It is unique because of the sinks made from natural stone. When you usually find the sink made in fabric then people in Bali made it using their hands. Stone sinks are made using the traditional way and technique. When you come to the showroom then you will understand every step that they do until you find the good looking of the sink. The price of the stone sinks is not cheap. You need to know that it uses a good quality of stone that is very strong.

Bali Stone Sinks – Beauty Natural Bali Stone Sinks

Natural stone is strong and it does not need special maintenance to make it well. That is the reason why Bali stone sinks become the best seller. You can find the modern design for it or even make it a special request as you want. Today you can find many hotels, a spa, villas or a modern house that has a good style for it. They choose the sink from stone because it looks so natural. You can also get the sink set with the same color and the various model. When it puts into your bathroom then it will look so beautiful.

Bali Stone Sinks at Villa Ipanema Bali

When you come to Bali then you can go directly to the stoneware center. It will give you more choice to choose about the things that you want to buy. When you are lucky then you can practice making it in the showroom. The stoneware artists are usually happy to welcome you as the guest that wants to try to make the stoneware by using your own hand. You can also have a special tour through the showroom and the factory freely. It will show you the detailed process of making Bali stone sinks.

Bali stone sinks are available in many different sizes. You can choose the size that most suitable for your need. You can choose the stone material, the color and also the price. The stone sink is not always in good design because sometimes the stone artist makes it using the original shape of the stone. The original shape will show you the unpredictable shape of the stone sink. Using the stone sink will show you about the luxurious using the natural material. Enjoy your time in Bali and have a good idea about the stone sink and another stoneware.

If any further assistance, you need regarding our Bali stone sinks, please click this Whatsapp link to contact with us directly: https://wa.me/6285336906433 (Putri) or email: [email protected]

Bali Stone Sinks – Indonesia Natural Sinks

Bali Stone Bathtubs – The Luxurious of Bali Stone Bathtubs

Bali Riverstone for Bathtub Decoration

Bali stone bathtubs can be the perfect choice for you who have a good dream about a comfortable bathroom by using traditional material.  The bathroom is an important room in every house, hotel or villa. To enjoy the bathing time then you should have a good bathroom. It means that you need to design it, make a budget, and other aspects. Do not forget to choose the material of the equipment that you want to use. Create a good bathroom will become a good moment for you to deliver your idea and reach your dream.

Bali stone bathtubs often use not only for personal needs but also for others. If you want to buy the bathtubs for many pieces then you should order it directly to the maker. The stone bathtubs made from natural stone. You can choose the stone-like marble that has high quality and luxury design when it finishes. You can choose the model of the bathtubs like oval, circle, square or asymmetric model. The bathtubs store usually has a complete design it. You can just go there and buy as you want.  The unique from buying the stone bathtubs with high quality is about getting the warranty time.

Bali Stone Bathtubs – Your Stone Bathroom Decoration Ideas

Bali stone bathtubs made from original natural stone. You will not find it into the common stone without any polish. When the stone is finish then you can have various colors. You can suitable the color with your bathroom idea. The bathtubs made from stone are to show that the traditional material can change into the modern look by using high technology. The technology will available on the system and the equipment like the bathtubs machine itself. You will not find a stone bathtub without any good system to put in and out of the water after you finish taking a bath. In this time especially when you buy the branded one then you will find the complete bathtubs with the system.

Bali Riverstone Product

You can also find the Bali stone bathtubs complete with Jacuzzi system. You can enjoy a massage moment while you are taking a bath. Of course, the price of the bathtubs will be different. The better bathtub then will give you a higher price. The satisfaction feeling will be the feedback that you will get. Modern hotel, high specification villa, or homestay usually uses a good quality bathroom set to include the bathtubs. That is the reason why you should pay more to enjoy every single night in that place.

Bali stone bathtubs have good quality. The stone is hard and has a strong type. You will never feel bored while you are taking a bath. Enjoying your bath moment will be your happiest part. You can choose the size of the stone bathtubs too. If you want to have a romantic moment with your beloved wife or husband then you can choose the double size bathtubs. You can also choose the mini stone bathtubs for your kids that have a smaller size than yours.

If any further assistance, you need regarding our Bali stone bathtubs, please click this Whatsapp link to contact with us directly: https://wa.me/6285336906433 (Putri) or email: [email protected]

Bali Stone Bathtubs – The Luxurious of Bali Stone Bathtubs