Oktalina Putri

Bali Green Swimming Pool at Ini Vie Villa Bali – Beauty in Simplicity

Bali Green Swimming Pool Tiles at Ini Vie Villa - IG @inivievilla
Bali Green Swimming Pool Tiles at Ini Vie Villa – IG @inivievilla

Bali Green Swimming Pool at Ini Vie Villa Bali is a perfect example of beauty in simplicity. The swimming pool design is very simple in the common rectangle shape with few steps to go down the water. It is so simple but looks so stunning due to the sparkling blue-green watercolor. Truly, the water is actually colorless but thanks to the green swimming pool tiles, it creates the ocean blue-green color. The color is so gorgeous that it makes you feel fresh and wants to jump in right away. It just like the water calls you to get in and oblivious in the comfort.

Bali Green Swimming Pool – Best Swimming Pool Ini Vie Villa Bali

Built-in 2015, the villa has several swimming pools in order to provide a private pool for each room package. Providing a private swimming pool is very important for the villa because it will give exclusivity when the guests could enjoy the pool for themselves. Unlike a public swimming pool, which commonly noisy, the private swimming pool is quiet and relaxing. Nonetheless, the private pool requires space. Since the space available is limited, the villa needs a good idea to make the swimming pool comfortable and beautiful in a narrow space. Finally, they get the idea to make Bali Green Stone for Swimming Pool at Ini Vie Villa Bali simple and elegant.

Green swimming pool - IG @inivievilla
Green swimming pool – IG @inivievilla

Bali Green Swimming Pool at Ini Vie Villa Bali is made simple to create balance with the surrounding space. The main concept is to create an elegant private outdoor swimming pool on each room package. Since the space is limited, a simple swimming pool is the best choice, in order to prevent the appearance from becoming overstated. However, too simple will make a cheap appearance. That is why the swimming pool uses green natural stone to add luxury to the appearance. Hence, the swimming pool is simple but not cheap. The swimming pool is luxurious but not exaggerated. It is just perfect.

Bali Green Swimming Pool – Stunning Bali Swimming Pool at Ini Vie Villa Bali

The villa is located in a busy area just about 1 km from the city center. With a stunning private swimming pool, the villa becomes a perfect place for relaxation after spending busy hours going around the city. With the ocean look, Bali Green Swimming Pool at Ini Vie Villa Bali has the ability to reduce stress and bring back fresh minds. A simple touch of plants near the swimming pool makes the atmosphere become more natural and fresh. Sitting near the pool is enough to relieve tension. Going down into the water will help the muscle to relax.

Green Swimming Pool at Private Ini Vie Villa Bali - IG @jillayjack
Green Swimming Pool at Private Ini Vie Villa Bali – IG @jillayjack

In Vie Villa Bali becomes one of many villas in Bali that uses a green natural stone for the swimming pool. Besides its ability to bring out the fabulous ocean color to the pool, natural stone also comes with other benefits. With the honed finish, the natural stone has an evenly and anti-slip surface. It means the stone will create a smooth swimming pool surface that is not slippery. The swimming pool becomes beautiful and safe. Although the honed finish is not glossy, the water in the swimming pool will make the stone shiny, especially with help from sunlight. Bali Green Swimming Pool at Ini Vie Villa Bali is a good proof of natural stone benefit.

If any further assistance, you need regarding our Bali Green Stone, please click this Whatsapp link to contact with us directly: https://wa.me/6285336906433 (Putri) or email: [email protected]

Bali Green Swimming Pool at Ini Vie Villa Bali – Beauty in Simplicity